AL形態 課題学習PBLグループW フィールドWプレゼンディベート 振り返り
教職 中学高校(公民) 高校(地歴)
地域に関する学習 地域区分学びの基本学習地域の背景学習 地域課題の認識地域課題の解決
社会福祉 社会福祉士社福任用
アメリカ事情 (American Studies)
担当教員 松田 憲
開講時期 秋学期
科目ナンバー ILA257
授業コード 2359
単位 2
授業概要 Culture has a visible side—food, clothing, architecture—and a invisible side of unconscious beliefs, values, and assumptions. In this course we will compare and discuss different ways of thinking between Japan and the US as well as deepening our understanding of American culture. The course is designed for anyone who is interested in living and studying in the US.
到達目標 The goals of this course are for students to 1) learn about American culture and 2) to gain a deeper understanding of different ways of thinking between Japan and the US.
スキルの育成方法 In order to deepen students' understanding of American culture, we will be working on a variety of activities in the textbook, including discussion and watching authentic videos about the US culture.
1Introduction “What is “culture?”Preparation (1 hour), Writing assignment (1 hour)
2College Life (Characteristics of American College Life, Comparison with Japan)Preparation for College Life (Comprehension, etc.) 1 hour, Writing assignment (1 hour)
3Family Life (Characteristics of American Family Life, Comparison with Japan) ※Visiting LecturerPreparation for Family Life (Comprehension, etc.) 1 hour, Writing assignment (1 hour)
4Holidays (Characteristics of American Holidays) ※Visiting LecturerPreparation for Food Culture (Comprehension, etc.) 1 hour, Writing assignment (1 hour)
5Food Culture (Characteristics of American Food Culture, Comaparison with Japan)Preparation for Holidays (Comprehension, etc.) 1 hour, Writing assignment (1 hour)
6Individualism (Characteristics of American Individualism, Comparison with Japan)Preparation for Individualism (Comprehension, etc.) 1 hour, Writing assignment (1 hour)
7Pluralistic Society (Characteristics of American Pluralistic Society)Preparation for Pluralistic Society (Comprehension, etc.) 1 hour, Writing assignment (1 hour)
8Degree of Formality (Characteristics of Degree of Formality in the U.S., Comparison with Japan)Preparation for Degree of Formality (Comprehension, etc.) 1 hour, Writing assignment (1 hour)
9Volunteerism (Characteristics of American Volunteerism)Preparation for Volunteerism (Comprehension, etc.) 1 hour, Writing assignment (1 hour)
10Context and Communication (Characteristics of Context and Communication in the U.S., Low & High context cultures)Preparation for Context and Communication (Comprehension, etc.) 1 hour, Writing assignment (1 hour)
11Non-verbal Communication (Characteristics of Non-verbal Communication in the U.S., Monochronic & Polychronic Societies)Preparation for Non-verbal Communication (Comprehension, etc.) 1 hour, Writing assignment (1 hour)
12Debate (Characteristics of “argument” culture, Comparison with Japan)Preparation for Debate (Comprehension, etc.) 1 hour, Writing assignment (1 hour)
13Religion (Characteristics of Religion in the U.S.)Preparation for Religion (Comprehension, etc.) 1 hour, Writing assignment (1 hour)


成績評価基準 Participation 20%, Assignments (Preparation/Writing assignments of Discussion Topics) 30%, Final Exam 50%
教科書 Justin Charlebois『Cultural Portraits: Japan and the US』Kinseido ISBN: 978-4-7647-3998-7|Supplementary materials *Dictionary (Eng-Eng or Eng-Jpn)

It is expected that students will attend all classes and prepare for the class. You're expected to attend the first day of the class so that you can sign up for it. I offer a comment (feedback) on the content of the writing assignments.