AL形態 課題学習PBLグループW フィールドWプレゼンディベート 振り返り
教職 中学高校(公民) 高校(地歴)
地域に関する学習 地域区分学びの基本学習地域の背景学習 地域課題の認識地域課題の解決
社会福祉 社会福祉士社福任用
Intensive Reading I 【S2】 (Intensive Reading I)
担当教員 松田 憲
開講時期 春学期
授業コード 1418
単位 1
授業概要 The course is designed to deepen students' understanding of key concepts in science and technology.|Students will present and share what they become interested in the topics in a learner-centered approach.|
到達目標 The primary goal of the course is to improve students' reading comprehension.
スキルの育成方法 In order to improve students' reading comprehension, we will be working on a variety of activities in the textbook, including making a presentation.
1Introduction, The Big Bang (Words & Phrases, Comprehension Qs, Summary, etc.), Library e-learning tourPreparation (Comprehension Qs, etc.) for The Big Bang & e-learning (2 hours)
2Spaceship Earth (Words & Phrases, Comprehension Questions, Summary, Structure & Written Expression)Preparation (Comprehension Qs, etc.) for Spaceship Earth & e-learning (2 hours)
3Plate tectonics (Words & Phrases, Comprehension Questions, Summary, Structure & Written Expression)Preparation (Comprehension Qs, etc.) for Plate tectonics & e-learning (2 hours)
4Global warming (Words & Phrases, Comprehension Questions, Summary, Structure & Written Expression)Preparation (Comprehension Qs, etc.) for Global warming & e-learning (2 hours)
5Weather (Words & Phrases, Comprehension Questions, Summary, Structure & Written Expression)Preparation (Comprehension Qs, etc.) for Weather & e-learning (2 hours)
6Salinization and desertification (Words & Phrases, Comprehension Questions, Summary, Structure & Written Expression)Preparation (Comprehension Qs) for Salinization and desertification & e-learning (2 hours)
7Telescopes (Words & Phrases, Comprehension Questions, Summary, Structure & Written Expression)Preparation (Comprehension Qs, etc.) for Telescopes & e-learning (2 hours)
8Exploring the oceans (Words & Phrases, Comprehension Questions, Summary, Structure & Witten Expression)Preparation (Comprehension Qs, etc.) for Exploring the oceans & e-learning (2 hours)
9Antarctica (Words & Phrases, Comprehension Questions, Summary, Structure & Written Expression)Preparation (Comprehension Qs, etc.) for Antarctica & e-learning (2 hours)
10Instruments of observation (Words & Phrases, Comprehension Questions, Summary, Structure & Written Expression)Preparation (Comprehension Qs, etc.) for Instruments of observation & e-learning (2 hours)
11The Global Positioning System (Words & Phrases, Comprehension Questions, Summary, Structure & Written Expression)Preparation (Comprehension Qs, etc.) for The Global Positioning System & e-learning (2 hours)
12Presentation (including reciprocal peer assessment in student presentations)Preparation for your presentation & e-learning (2 hours)
13Presentation (including reciprocal peer assessment in student presentations)Preparation for your presentation & e-learning (2 hours)


成績評価基準 Participation 20%, Assignments (including e-learning)30%, Final Exam 50%
後継科目 Intensive Reading II
教科書 Ian Bowring『Our Home the Earth』Seibido ISBN: 978-4-7919-0065-7(When you confirm your registration of this course on SIP, order your textbook as soon as possible.)

It is expected that students will attend all classes and prepare for the class. You're expected to attend the first day of the class so that you can sign up for it. I offer a comment on the results of the e-learning assignments.