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教職 中学高校(公民) 高校(地歴)
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社会福祉 社会福祉士社福任用
英語 VII(ライティング) ⑥【S1】 (English VII(Writing))
担当教員 エドモンド・フェック
開講時期 春学期
科目ナンバー LIT211
授業コード 1302
単位 1
授業概要 This course will instruct students how to build up from sentences to paragraphs, using a process approach to writing. This involves brainstorming, planning, writing, editing and peer feedback.
到達目標 To enable students to write clear and cohesive paragraphs in English.
スキルの育成方法 Guided instruction and practice will help students to understand and master the writing style in English.
1An introduction to process writing.Homework assignment: Self-introduction essay. (2 hours)
2Unit 1: writing complete sentences.Homework assignment: Unit 1 essay formatting. (2 hours)
3Unit 2: writing topic sentences.60 minutes preparation: unit 2. 60 minutes review.
4Unit 2: writing topic sentences. Homework assignment: Unit 2 essay. (2 hours)
5Unit 3: developing paragraphs. Homework assignment: Unit 3 essay. (2 hours)
6Unit 3: developing paragraphs. Homework assignment: Unit 4 sentence writing. (2 hours)
7Unit 4: writing concluding sentences. Unit 4 review (1 hour). Unit 5 preparation (1 hour).
8Unit 5: freewriting and peer feedback. Essay assignment 1 - first draft (2 hours).
9Unit 5: freewriting and peer feedback. Essay assignment 1 - final draft (2 hours).
10Unit 6: opinions and examples in supporting sentences. Essay assignment 2 - first draft (2 hours).
11Unit 6: opinions and examples in supporting sentences. Peer review.Essay assignment 2 - final draft (2 hours).
12Unit 7: cause and effect paragraphs. Essay assignment 3 - first draft (2 hours).
13Unit 7: cause and effect paragraphs. Peer review.Essay assignment 3 - final draft (2 hours).


成績評価基準 Homework assignments x 5: 5% each (total = 25%). Essay assignments x 3: 25% each (total = 75%).
教科書 Writing Paragraphs. From Topic to Paragraph. Student Book Pack. By Zemach, D.E. & Islam, C. (Macmillan). ISBN: 978-1-380-05925-3

Please bring a dictionary (a phone dictionary is acceptable). Feedback will be given on all submitted work.