AL形態 課題学習PBLグループW フィールドWプレゼンディベート 振り返り
教職 中学高校(公民) 高校(地歴)
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社会福祉 社会福祉士社福任用
Academic Writing 【A1】 (Academic Writing)
担当教員 エドモンド・フェック
開講時期 秋学期
科目ナンバー ILA313
授業コード 1162
単位 1
授業概要 This course will instruct students how to build up from writing simple paragraphs to short essays. It will take a process approach to writing, including brainstorming and editing. Students will learn how to write different styles of essay within an academic writing framework. This course will also cover writing business emails and including references for academic essays.
到達目標 To enable students to write academic essays using appropriate language and structure.
スキルの育成方法 Guided instruction and practice will help students to understand and master the academic writing style in English.
1Introduction to Academic Writing. Paragraph structure and formatting.Essay formatting (2 hours).
2Topic sentences; editing for Unity & Coherence; freewriting.60 minutes review. 60 minutes preparation: 1-paragraph essay.
3Paragraph to Short Essay.Essay 1 (2 hours).
4Thesis stataments. Writing test (1).60 minutes review - essay 1. 60 minutes preparation - descriptive essays. 
5Descriptive essays. Brainstorming. Freewriting.60 minutes review. 60 minutes preparation: descriptive essay.
6Using adjectives in descriptive essays. Essay outlines.60 minutes review - adjectives. 60 minutes preparation - descriptive essay.
7Editing essays - Run-on Sentences, Combining sentence, dependent and main clauses. Peer review.Essay 2 - first draft (2 hours).
8Business emails.Writing test (2).Essay 2 - final draft (2 hours).
9Opinion essays. Brainstorming. Freewriting.60 minutes review. 60 minutes preparation: opinon essay.
10Opinion essays - using facts and opinions, research and references.60 minutes review. 60 minutes preparation: opinon essay.
11Counter-argument and refutation.Essay 3 - first draft (2 hours).
12Connectors. Peer review.Essay 3 - second draft (2 hours).
13Opinion essay - redrafting.Essay 3 - final draft (2 hours).
14Course review. Writing test (3).


成績評価基準 Essay 1 - 10%. Essay 2 - 30%. Essay 3 - 30%. Writing tests x 3 - 10% each (total 30%).
参考書 Readings for Academic Writing. Edited by Clay Williams et al. ISBN: 978-4-9908590-1-5

There is no textbook for this course. Handouts will be provided by the teacher. Feedback will be given on all submitted work.