AL形態 課題学習PBLグループW フィールドWプレゼンディベート 振り返り
教職 中学高校(公民) 高校(地歴)
地域に関する学習 地域区分学びの基本学習地域の背景学習 地域課題の認識地域課題の解決
社会福祉 社会福祉士社福任用
Advanced English Communication 【S1】 (Advanced English Communication)
担当教員 エドモンド・フェック
開講時期 春学期
科目ナンバー ILA211
授業コード 2215
単位 1
授業概要 This course will include practice of all 4 skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. These skills will be practiced through discussions, pronunciation instruction and other task-based learning.
到達目標 The aim is to enable better production and reception of natural English.
スキルの育成方法 This course will use different media such as videos and music as well as handouts from the teacher to provide authentic materials for practicing natural English.
1Self-introductions. University life (1).Preparation (1 hour). E-learning homework (1 hour).
2University life (2). Music (1), listening and writing. Pronunciation practice (1).Preparation (1 hour). E-learning homework (1 hour).
3Giving explanations (1). Discussion topic 1 introduction. Pronunciation practice (2).Discussion preparation (2 hours).
4PDR (Preparation, Discussion, Reaction) discussion 1.Preparation (1 hour). E-learning homework (1 hour).
5Differences of US and UK English (1). Pronunciation practice (3).Preparation (1 hour). E-learning homework (1 hour).
6Differences of US and UK English (2). Music (2), listening and writing. Pronunciation practice (4).Test revision (2 hours).
7Progress Test A. Discussion topic 2 introduction. Pronunciation practice (5).Discussion preparation (2 hours).
8PDR (Preparation, Discussion, Reaction) discussion 2.Preparation (1 hour). E-learning homework (1 hour).
9Idioms and numbers (1). Giving explanations (2). Pronunciation practice (6).Preparation (1 hour). E-learning homework (1 hour).
10Idioms and numbers (2). Music (3), listening and writing. Pronunciation practice (7).Preparation (1 hour). E-learning homework (1 hour).
11Humour in English. Discussion topic 3 introduction. Pronunciation practice (8).Discussion preparation (2 hours).
12PDR (Preparation, Discussion, Reaction) discussion 3.Test revision (2 hours).
13Progress Test B. Course review.Course revision (2 hours).


成績評価基準 Progress Tests A & B: 25% each. PDR discussion evaluations: 30%. Active class participation: 20%.
参考書 American & British English Pronunciation by Sekine, M. (Nan’un-do)

Please bring a dictionary. Feedback will be given after each test and throughout the course.