AL形態 課題学習PBLグループW フィールドWプレゼンディベート 振り返り
教職 中学高校(公民) 高校(地歴)
地域に関する学習 地域区分学びの基本学習地域の背景学習 地域課題の認識地域課題の解決
社会福祉 社会福祉士社福任用
EAP III (Speaking/Listening1) ⑧【S2】 (EAP III(Speaking/Listening1))
担当教員 エドモンド・フェック
開講時期 春学期
科目ナンバー LIT123
授業コード 2206
単位 1
授業概要 In this course students will work in pairs and groups to plan and carry out conversations on topics related to lives of university students. In addition to the speaking practice, there will also be regular pronunciation instruction.
到達目標 The goal of the course is for students to improve their speaking and listening ability and to be able to adapt the vocabulary from the textbook to their own situation.
スキルの育成方法 By practicing conversations with partners students will improve their communication ability. Class exercises will also help with understanding of natural English.
1Unit 1: Self-introductions (1)Unit 1 Language focus (30 minutes). Role play preparation (1 hour). eLearning (30 minutes).
2Unit 1: Self-introductions (2). Role play.Unit 1 review and self-assessment (90 minutes). eLearning (30 minutes).
3Unit 2: Introducing people (1).Unit 2 Language focus (30 minutes). Role play preparation (1 hour). eLearning(30 minutes).
4Unit 2: Introducing people (2). Role play.Unit 2 review and self-assessment (90 minutes). eLearning (30 minutes).
5Unit 3: Asking advice (1).Unit 3 Language focus (30 minutes). Role play preparation (1 hour). eLearning(30 minutes).
6Unit 3: Asking advice (2).Unit 3 review and self-assessment (90 minutes). eLearning (30 minutes).
7Unit 4: Sharing experiences (1).Unit 4 Language focus (30 minutes). Role play preparation (1 hour). eLearning(30 minutes).
8Unit 4: Sharing experiences (2)Unit 4 review and self-assessment (90 minutes). eLearning (30 minutes).
9Unit 5: Asking questions (1)Unit 5 Language focus (30 minutes). Role play preparation (1 hour). eLearning(30 minutes).
10Unit 5: Asking questions (2)Unit 5 review and self-assessment (90 minutes). eLearning (30 minutes).
11Unit 6: Making requests (1)Unit 6 Language focus (30 minutes). Role play preparation (1 hour). eLearning(30 minutes).
12Unit 6: Making requests (2)Unit 6 review and self-assessment (90 minutes). eLearning (30 minutes).
13Review and Speaking test practice.Course revision (2 hours)
14Speaking test and course review.


成績評価基準 eLearning: 25%. Homework assignments: 20%. Short tests: 20%. Active participation: 10%. Speaking test: 25%.
教科書 Encounters on Campus by Critchley, M.P. (NAN'UN-DO). ISBN: 978-4-523-17863-7

Please bring a dictionary (a phone dictionary is acceptable). Feedback will be given throughout the course.