AL形態 課題学習PBLグループW フィールドWプレゼンディベート 振り返り
教職 中学高校(公民) 高校(地歴)
地域に関する学習 地域区分学びの基本学習地域の背景学習 地域課題の認識地域課題の解決
社会福祉 社会福祉士社福任用
EAP I (Basic English) ⑦【S1】 (EAP I(Basic English))
担当教員 栗本 晶
開講時期 春学期
科目ナンバー LIT121
授業コード 2106
単位 1
授業概要 The basic grammatical knowledge students acquire in this course will be useful for expressing themselves in speaking and writing. It is also important for their accurate reading comprehension. Students will be more aware of the English sentence structures. They will increase their vocabulary by solving problems in the textbook and discuss them in class.
到達目標 Students will have deep understandings in important basic grammatical forms.
スキルの育成方法 During the preparation, students need to be aware of the areas they don’t understand and bring their questions to class. Doing assignments throughly will enable them to participate in class actively. Self-online study is also recquired.
1Explanation of this course and assignments. Handout:Grammar comprehension test Unit 1: Parts of SpeechReview, Preparation, Questions: 1hour
2Review of Unit1 (group work) Unit2 Phrases and ClausesReview and preparation for Quiz1: 1hour
3Review of Unit2 (group work) Quiz1Review, Preparation, Questions: 1hour
4About Quiz1 Unit3 Subject and PredicateReview and preparation for Quiz2: 1hour
5Review of Unit 3(group work) Quiz2Review, Preparation, Questions: 1hour
6About Quiz2 Unit 4 Five Sentence PatternsReview and preparation for Quiz3: 1hour
7Review of Unit5 (group work) Quiz5 Infinitive Quiz3Review, Preparation, Questions: 1hour
8About Quiz3 Unit6 ParticiplesReview and preparation for Quiz4: 1hour
9Review of Unit6(group work) handout: Relative Clauses Quiz4Review, Preparation, Questions: 1hour
10Review of Relative Clauses(group work) Unit7 Auxilary VerbsReview and preparation for Quiz5: 1hour
11Review of Unit7(group work) Quiz5Review, preparation and questions: 1hour
12Unit7 ConditionalsReview and preparation for Quiz6: 1hour
13Review of Unit7(group work) Quiz6Preparation for the final examination:1hour
14Grammar comprehension test Final examination


成績評価基準 Active participation, and assignment: 50%, Quizzes: 25%, Final Examination:25%  S:100-90 A:89-80 B:79-70 C:69-60
前提科目 N/A
後継科目 N/A
教科書 Practical English Grammar for TOEIC Test Satoru Furuya et,al. ISBN978-4-523-17679-4 ¥2052
参考書 Grammar book (the one students used in high school)