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English Presentation I 【A1】 (English Presentation I)
担当教員 エドモンド・フェック
開講時期 秋学期
授業コード 1414
単位 1
授業概要 This course aims to instruct students in the appropriate style of presentation for an international audience. The first half of this course is English Presentation (EP) I. EP II must also be taken before graduation. EP I uses a textbook to teach the basics of presenting step-by-step. Students will have many chances to give short presentations and will learn to field questions and give answers.
到達目標 To enable students to have confidence in presenting in English in front of an audience.
スキルの育成方法 Guided instruction via the textbook with feedback from the teacher and other students.
1Introduction to presentations.Self-introduction preparation (2 hours).
2Self-introductions - planning and writing.Self-introduction preparation (2 hours).
3Self-introduction presentations.Presentation preparation (2 hours).
4Unit 1 introduction - people you admireUnit 1 preparation (2 hours).
5Unit 1: Biography - language focus.Presentation preparation (2 hours).
6Openers and Closers. Making note cards.Presentation preparation (2 hours).
7Unit 1 presentation rehearsals.Presentation preparation (2 hours).
8Unit 1 presentations.Presentation preparation (2 hours).
9Unit 2: Places - language focus.Unit 2 preparation (2 hours).
10Organizing ideas. Using visual aids.Presentation preparation (2 hours).
11Unit 2: Places - research.Presentation preparation (2 hours).
12Unit 2: Places - presentation rehearsals.Presentation preparation (2 hours).
13Unit 2: Places - presentations. Course review and feedback.Course revision (2 hours).


成績評価基準 Course presentations (x3): 25% each. Self-reflection reports: 15%. Class participation: 10%.
後継科目 English Presentation II
教科書 Present Yourself Level 2 Student's Book 2nd Edition by Gershon, S. (Cambridge University Press). ISBN: 978-1-107-43578-0

Please bring a dictionary to each class (a phone dictionary is acceptable) and make sure you buy the textbook! Feedback from the teacher will be given after each set of presentations.