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教職 中学高校(公民) 高校(地歴)
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英語 III(スピーキング) ⑤【S2】(2019年) (English III(Speaking))
担当教員 クリストファー・サンダース
開講時期 S2
科目ナンバー LIT113
授業コード 1203
単位 1
授業概要 We learn English by using English. For this reason most time in class will be interacting (speaking and listening) with classmates using English. Other skills (reading, writing, vocabulary knowledge) will be used to add structure to the classroom activities.
到達目標 The aim of this course is to succesfully communicate with classmates about the topic for that week using the lessons target language.
スキルの育成方法 Student centred interactive lessons will focus on building spoken fluency skills.
1Introduction and Unit 1 - Whats your name? (挨拶/自己紹介)Review unit 1 - 1 時間
2Unit 2 - What are they talking about (人を表す)Review unit 2 - 1 時間
3Unit 3 - When do you start(ルーチンと習慣)Review unit 3 - 1 時間
4Unit 4- Where does this go ? (部屋の中 )Review unit 4 - 1 時間
5Unint 5 - How do I get there? (行き方))Review unit 5 - 1時間
6Unit 6 - What happened(過去について話す)Review unit 6 - 1 時間
7Unit 7 - I'd love that job (仕事について話す)Review unit 7 - 1 時間
8Unit 8 - What's playing(娯楽/招待する)Review unit 8 - 1 時間
9Unit 9 - What are you going to do? (未来について話す)Review unit 9 - 1 時間
10Unit 10 - How much is this? (ショッピング)Review unit 10 - 1 時間
11Unit 11 - How do you make it (ものを作り方)Review unit 11 - 1時間
12Unit 12 - Listening to music? (音楽について話す)Review unit 12 1時間
13Review (復習)Review the whole book- 2 時間
14Final Speaking Test


成績評価基準 毎週の復習テスト25%, , 宿題 25% スピーキングテスト 25% ,  授業態度 25%
教科書 Marc Helgesen, Steven Brown, and John Wiltshier English Firsthand 1, 4th Edition ISBN 9789880030598
