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Intensive TOEIC 【A1】(2018年) (Intensive TOEIC)
担当教員 エドモンド・フェック
開講時期 A1
科目ナンバー ILA314
授業コード 2267
単位 1
授業概要 Intensive study in strategies of time keeping in the TOEIC test. Students will learn specific tactics and strategies that will increase the potential for a higher TOEIC score.
到達目標 To enable students to master the TOEIC test.
スキルの育成方法 Intensive practice of real TOEIC tests and practical strategic skills.
1Introduction. What is TOEIC? Understanding the test lay out. Unit 1: using the photo.60 minutes preparation. What is TOEIC?
2Units 2 and 3: factual questions and skimming content.Units 2 and 3 further study (60 minutes)
3Units 4 and 7: skimming context in listening. Scanning questions in reading test.Units 5, 6 Reading test homework (60 minutes)
4Units 8 and 9: direct questions and similar words.Units 8 and 9 further study (60 minutes)
5Units 10 and 11: same word distractors and "what" questions.Units 10 and 11 further study (60 minutes)
6Units 14 and 15: inferring meaning in reading test. Listening for details.Units 14, 15 Reading test homework (60 minutes)
7Units 16 and 17: time and location structures. Vocabulary clues.Units 16 and 17 further study (60 minutes)
8Units 18 and 21: numbers and quantities.Units 19, 20 Reading test homework (60 minutes)
9Units 22 and 23: offers, requests and opinions.Units 22 and 23 further study (60 minutes)
10Units 24 and 25: saying "no". "How" and "why" questions.Units 24 and 25 further study (60 minutes)
11Unit 28: charts, tables and forms.Units 26, 27 Reading test homework (60 minutes)
12Listening and reading review.Textbook review (90 minutes)
13Listening test practice.Textbook review (90 minutes)
14Review and listening test.


成績評価基準 Test result: 50%. Class work 25%. Homework 25%.
教科書 Tactics for TOEIC. Listening and Reading Test. / Grant Trew / Oxford University Press (ISBN: 978-019-4529532)

Please bring a dictionary (a phone dictionary is acceptable).