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English Presentation II 【A1】(2018年) ()
担当教員 エドモンド・フェック
開講時期 A1
授業コード 1265
単位 1
授業概要 This course is the second part of the English Presentation (EP) course I and II. EP I must be completed before taking EP II. English Presentation II offers students a more advanced and individual experience of presenting in English. Students will be expected to choose their own topics to research and present and will need to do presentations individually and in groups.
到達目標 To enable students to be confident in presenting in English in front of an audience.
スキルの育成方法 Guided instruction and personalized feedback from the teacher and other students.
1Self-introductions. Choosing your topic.Self-introduction preparation (45 minutes).
2Gathering information.60 minute preparation.
3Making a draft. Brainstorming.60 minute preparation.
4Correction, editing, proof reading.60 minute preparation.
5Surveys and research techniques.60 minute preparation.
6Visual aids. Graphs and maps.60 minute preparation.
7Eye contact, body language and posture.60 minute preparation.
8Cultural expectations.60 minute preparation.
9Individual presentation practice.Presentation preparation (90 minutes)
10Individual presentations and feedback.Presentation preparation (90 minutes)
11Presentation as teamwork.Presentation preparation (90 minutes)
12Group presentation rehearsals.Presentation preparation (90 minutes)
13Group presentations and review of the course.Presentation preparation (90 minutes)
14Presentation feedback.


成績評価基準 Individual presentations (50%). Group presentations (50%).
前提科目 English Presentation I
教科書 Present Yourself Level 2 Student's Book 2nd Edition / Steven Gershon / Cambridge University Press (ISBN 978-1-107-43578-0)

Please bring a dictionary to each class (a phone dictionary is acceptable). Feedback on presentations will be given by the teacher.